Here are some of our heart touching stories: 

Carlos Story: Carlos, the founder president and director of Harapan Project, was a lawyer in Spain. In 2005 he made a holidays trip to Indonesia that totally changed his life. After seeing the extreme poverty that he saw in Sumbawa island, he decided to give up his comfort life in Spain to help the children and local population of Sumbawa island.

Deby´s Miracle: In 2013, in a very remote village on the island of Sumbawa, there was a 5-year-old girl who suffered from a huge tumor on her leg, and she barely left the cabin where she lived with her parents to play with other children. We went to meet her and convinced her parents to take her to Bali island in search of a doctor who could cure her. We spent 4 months visiting dozens of hospitals where we always received the same diagnosis, there was no other option than to amputate the leg. We kept looking, without losing hope, until we finally found a doctor who was able to operate on her successfully and was able to save her leg. Now Deby is 15 years old, in perfect health and a brilliant girl at school. Deby has taught us all a great lesson in life, you should never lose hope or smile and you should always keep fighting to fulfill your dreams.

Titi´s Story: When Titi was 10 years old, she suffered from a very severe infection in her leg. She could not walk or do any activity. Doctors diagnose Tuberculosis in her bones and osteomielitis. Doctors wanted to amputate her leg. We brought her to Bali island to one of the best hospitals of Indonesia, where they healed her and could walk and run again. Now Titi is 21 years old, and is studying Farmacy in the University of Mataram.

Soalihin´s Story: Soalihin is a 9 years old boy, whom suffered a total immobilization of his body. We brought him to the hospital of Dompu city, where doctors diagnosed a fracture of vertebrae C5 and C6. The Dompu hospital lacks the proper equipment and specialists for cases like Soalihin’s, so we took him by ambulance to Lombok island. Once in the best hospital on the island of Lombok, the doctors made the same diagnosis and proposed surgery to reposition of vertebrae C5 and C6. Being a very complicated surgery, we decided to take him to the best hospital in the country, in the capital Jakarta. We moved Soalihin by air evacuation with a medical team. Upon arrival at RSCM hospital in Jakarta, the doctors diagnosed that the immobilization was due to a tetanus bacterium infection. After several weeks hospitalized and under medical treatment, Soalihin was cured, and now he is back on the island of Sumbawa playing again with his friends.

Riskan´s Story: Riskan is a 9 years old boy. Riskan is one of the kids whom we teach at school. He wakes up very early morning to help his father in the field. He has 5 siblings and his mother passed away some years ago. Riskan´s dream is to play football in a european team, and to score a goal in Champions League.

Aris family´s Story: Aris is a 7 years old boy. One day, his mother went to the city to buy seeds to plant corn. Four thieves tried to stole her. She was tied to a tree, doused with gasoline and burned alive. She died calcined. Seeing the trauma her family was living, and the poor conditions of the house where his family lived, we decided to build him a new house. Now Aris and his family have a proper house to live in.